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Preview Plugins

Preview Plugins

Go to Extensions->Plugin Manager, choose Type->MyMuse and configure the preview plugins for MyMuse.

The default for audio and video are HTML5 plugins. They use JPlayer, an open source player that uses the jquery javascript library. They have parameters to include jquery or not (Joomla! 3.x includes jQuery by default so you should not need this) and to show errors or not. If you turn on "Show Errors" the player will include a line below the player called "JPlayer Inspector". Clicking on that will show you whether html5 or flash is being used, which files are being loaded, and even which functions are being called.
You can upload multiple formats so that all browsers can play them. If the browser cannot play the preview files natively, the player will fall back to using Flash player with the appropriate file (usually mp3). There is a list of browsers and compatable media types here. In reality, MP3 files will cover most of the bases.

Other choices are the flash players Dewplayer from Alsa Creations and Flowplayer from

Dewplayer is very sensible, easy to use and free. They will create custom players for you for a price.

Flowplayer bundled here is free, very cool and highly customisable if you know javascript and CSS. They also sell a customized player and integrate with streaming services.

For each player you have the following choices:

  • One Player for All: A player appears above the list of tracks and each track gets a "Play" link.
  • One Player for Each: a player will appear for each preview track
  • Playlist: A player appears above the tracks with a list of playable previews.

This is set in MyMuse Options->Product Pages->Player Type. It can be overridden in individual menus.
Depending on your choice, you may have to adjust the height of the player. This can be set in MyMuse Options->Product Pages->Player Height, globally for the component and can be overridden in Menus.

See an overview of html5 audio at See an overview of html5 video at

MP3/Audio Players
Choose the one you want to enable. If you enable more than one, MyMuse will choose the first one.

With the default, HTML5 Audio plugin, you can upload additional formats to make it compatible with all browsers. MP3 and OGG will cover most browsers.
Dewplayer and Flowplayer are flash players. Some browsers/phones cannot play flash.
With Flowplayer you can change the background colour.

Video Players
Choose the one you want to enable. If you enable more than one, MyMuse will choose the first one.
Most Video plugins have the parameters to change the background colour and allow full screen.

More Options
In Components->MyMuse->Store, click on Options at the top right.
In the section PRODUCT PAGES are controls for the Player Type, Height and Width.
Very Important! -> These can be overridden by individual Menus!




MyMuse HTML5 jPlayer

Plugin Help Screen. Options Help Screen.

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